Sub Floor Ventilation Sydney

Sub Floor Ventilation Sydney

Get rid of musty smells and mould with a sub-floor ventilation system.

  • Genuinely Friendly and Local
  • On time, every time - no excuses
  • 18+ years experience
  • Over 275+ 5-star reviews
  • Lifetime Guaranteed work
  • Up front, honest pricing

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Sub Floor Ventilation Sydney


It’s easy to forget that many homes in Sydney have an area directly underneath their floors

Mould and moisture under your floors can have myriad negative effects on your home and its occupants, and are often only detected when the issue (ie. mould, rising damp and stale air) has become noticeable inside the house as well as underneath it.

By this point, both your family and your home might suffer from side-effects such as:

  • Musty smells
  • Sunken, warped floors
  • Rising Damp and damp air
  • Termite infestations
  • Excessive indoor moisture

While there are many products on the market that treat these symptoms, there’s only one real way to beat this particular problem: a well-planned and professionally installed subfloor ventilation system that takes away the humidity and prevents excessive moisture and brings in fresh air.

Ventilation ducts are an important part of the equation – another one that many homeowners overlook however is sub floor ventilation fans.

Sub Floor Ventilation Sydney
Sub Floor Ventilation Sydney


Sub Floor ventilation installation

Installing exhaust fans underneath a home can be difficult owing to the tight spaces and challenging working conditions that come with working beneath a home instead of inside it.

With over 15 years of experience performing a wide range of difficult electrical jobs, our team of electricians in North Sydney can carry out difficult jobs like this safely and efficiently, ensuring that your system not only works, but that it’s safe and adequately removes sub floor moisture

Ventilation Design

Unlike a lot of other countries, Australia’s National Construction Code doesn’t set out a minimum number of air changes per hour for residential properties. We recommend having a home ventilation system specifically engineered to your home.

As experts in subfloor ventilation systems, our team can help you calculate the ideal number of air changes needed in your underfloor areas to curb mould growth and prevent excessive moisture build-up, and install mechanical ventilation accordingly.

Underfloor ventilation fan maintenance

Just as with any other electrical system in your home, it’s important that your underfloor ventilation fans are maintained and looked after by a professional. Thanks to the tight spaces involved however, these types of jobs can be much harder than replacing your lights with LED lights.

With our experience in subfloor ventilation installation, our team can carry the job out efficiently and keep your fans working, ensuring your home stays protected from the issues that come with inadequate sub floor ventilation.


Years of Experience


5-Star Google Reviews


EV Chargers Installed


A rising damp solution is something that needs to be built into your design – literally

While the easiest solution is to have a sub-floor ventilation system built-in from the beginning, our team of expert electricians can also retrofit a system in your subfloor space in most instances.

In addition to installing subfloor ventilation fans, our team of experts can also consult with you during the design process, ensuring that your plans have sufficient underfloor ventilation to prevent moisture build-up and mould growth and eliminate damp air. This is still one of the best energy efficient solutions for Sydney homes.

This commitment extends beyond ventilation, too – our team can help you with ventilation in other parts of your home as well.

We also advise on a number of different aspects of your construction or renovation project, ensuring that all the various electrical systems are appropriate for your home and preferences.

Whether you’re after a rising damp expert, or need help switching out your old lighting from LED downlight installation, our team is committed to making your home as comfortable as possible!

Sub Floor Ventilation Sydney
Sub Floor Ventilation Sydney


No matter what job you call on our electricians for, you can trust us to look after you

Your home is your palace – as such, it’s important that you get it looked after by somebody who cares about it just as much as you do.

Moreover, we strive to provide the best service possible.

Tradies can be dirty – we’re not, taking great effort to protect your home and clean up after ourselves. We’ll protect your valuables with protective covers and take measures to minimise how much mess we create.

At the end of the job, we’ll tidy up after ourselves and leave your home in the same condition in which it was when we arrived.

After all, it’s what homeowners in the North Shore and the Northern Beaches have come to expect when they welcome trusted trades into their homes.

More services

How Much Does Sub-Floor Ventilation Cost?

There are a variety of sub-floor ventilation options available today, ranging from a couple of hundred dollars for small DIY fans, all the way up to $2000 for a more powerful, automated system. It really depends on what your situation requires. If you’re looking for a turn-key sub-floor installation in Sydney our team of electricians can take care of it!

What Is Sub-Floor Ventilation and How Does It Work?

Sub-floor Ventilation is a system of fans, ducts and external grilles that work to suck out damp, moist air that causes mould and draw in new dry air from the outside. Typically a system will run on and off for a few hours a day to constantly turn over the damp air and replace it with dry air.

When you have a damp or wet sub-floor, the moisture is transferred from the soil to the air and then to the underside of your home, causing mould and unwanted smells. The constant cycling of the air in the sub-floor prevents the transfer of moisture and helps to dry out the sub-floor completely

Will Sub-Floor Ventilation Stop My Mould Issues?

Yes, we have had great success in completely erradicating mould from homes with the use of sub-floor ventilation. Even in scenarios where there are serious drainage and plumbing issues where there is a constant source of water and moisture, the installation of a sub-floor ventilation system in Sydney has prevented the transfer of moisture into the house, thus, solving the mould problem.

How To Get Rid of Mould Issues in My House?

There are many ways to approach the problem of mould in a house in Sydney.

For minor damp issues, the use of Moisture Absorbers like DampRid can help keep a room or cupboard dry, however, this is not generally a permanent solution and requires monitoring, emptying and replacement of the asborbant pellets.

The direct treatment and removal of the mould using cleaning products designed to kill mould is sometimes all it takes if the mould has come from a rare or one-off presence of moisture.

However, for serious and ongoing mould and moisture issues, sub-floor ventilation is the only way to go. The systems require no maintenance and run on a timer, making it a permanent, ‘set-and-forget’ solution.

How Much Does Sub-Floor Ventilation Cost to Run?

Sub-floor ventilation is incredibly cheap to run. The average exhaust fan running at full speed for 8 hours per day, will cost less that $7 a month to run. This can be lowered even further once the initial mould problem is under control and we can set the fan to a lower speed and/or for less hours per day.

Will I Be Able to Hear the Sub-Floor Ventilation Motor Running?

No. While some of the cheaper models on the market are quite noisy the models we use typically run at less than 36dBa which for reference is somewhere between a whisper and quiet conversation. The motor itself is installed under the house so with the flooring and insulation they’re usually unable to be heard from inside the house.

As a precaution we only set the fans to run throughout the day, so that even in the worst case scenario they are not heard while sleeping. Typically any noise that could be heard during the day is lost amongst the noises of daily life.

How to Improve Sub-Floor Ventilation?

There are a few other ways of improving the air flow under the house. This can be done by cleaning out and removing obstructions from the existing brick vents both internally and externally. They may be obstructed by storage, vegetation, or garbage bins. These can obstruct the air flow. You may also consider leaving access hatches and panels open to increase the cross flow of air. Optimal airflow is achieved when there are multiple vents on opposite sides of the house.

All of this should help reduce damp problems in your home and floor space.

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