Privacy policy


At , we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy as an onlinevisitor to our website. We utilize the information collected to enhance the services we offer you.Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of the information you provide, we operate inaccordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. Please carefully review our privacy policybelow.

You have the option to update your details at any time by informing us in writing via email. Allinformation received from our clients is safeguarded by our secure server. Our secure serversoftware encrypts all customer data before transmission to us. Additionally, all customer datacollected is protected against unauthorized access or use. We do not store credit cardinformation on our servers.


We collect and securely store information you input on our website or provide to us through othermeans. This may include basic contact information such as your name, phone number, address,and email address, which enables us to send information or process your service orders.Additionally, we may gather supplementary information when you provide feedback, update yourpreferences, respond to surveys, or communicate with our customer support.

Personal information collected may be used to send you direct marketing material, websiteupdates, and newsletters, provided you have registered or subscribed to such publications. If youwish to stop receiving such information, you can unsubscribe at any time, and your request willbe promptly actioned.

We strictly utilize individual profiles and company details for their intended purposes only. Detailsare shared with third-party suppliers only when required by law, for purchased goods or services,or to protect our legal rights.

We respect the privacy of our online visitors and may collect personally identifiable informationthrough this website. This includes information volunteered by you to respond to queries orcomments and to distribute e-newsletters ("Personal Data").

We undertake reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of your Personal Data whileit's in our possession or control. Your Personal Data will not be knowingly shared with any thirdparty except our service providers, who assist in delivering the information and/or services toyou, provided they agree to adhere to our privacy standards outlined in this policy.


Cookies are small files stored in your web browser that gather information about your browsingbehavior. They enable websites to customize their configurations according to your preferences.Cookies do not access information stored on your computer or any personal information (e.g.,name, address, email address, or phone number). While most web browsers automaticallyaccept cookies, you can opt to reject them by adjusting your browser settings, although this maylimit your access to certain features of our website.

Our website employs cookies to analyze traffic and enhance visitor experience. Additionally,cookies may be utilized to deliver targeted ads to visitors through third-party services like GoogleAdwords, which may appear on our website or others you visit


Occasionally, we may need to disclose certain information, including your Personal Data, tocomply with legal obligations such as laws, regulations, court orders, or law enforcementrequests. Your Personal Data may also be used to safeguard the rights, property, or safety, our customers, or third parties.

In the event of a change in control of our businesses, such as through merger, sale, or assettransfer, customer information, including your Personal Data, may be disclosed to potentialpurchasers under confidentiality agreements. Such disclosures will be made in good faith and asrequired by the aforementioned circumstances.


We do not engage in the sale or trading of personal or customer information. Your personaldetails will never be disclosed to third parties unless necessary for products or services you'vepurchased, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of, ourcustomers, or third parties, or as required by law.

However, we may utilize your information in a general capacity, without identifying you by name,to generate marketing statistics, identify user demands, and improve our website and services.


Ensuring the security, integrity, and privacy of personal information submitted via our website isparamount. We regularly update our security measures in line with current technologies.


Our website may contain links to other websites for your convenience. However, these links donot imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of these websites. We are not responsible forthe privacy practices of such websites and encourage users to review their privacy policies uponleaving our site.


To maintain the currency of our privacy policy, it is subject to change. Any modifications will beeffective immediately upon posting on our website. We advise visiting periodically to review ourprivacy policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or the use of your personalinformation, please contact us on 02 9982 8668.