How are level 2 electricians different from standard electricians?
April 15, 2024

How are level 2 electricians different from standard electricians?

How are level 2 electricians different from standard electricians?

Found yourself in an electrical emergency and confused about exactly who to call?

If you or anyone around you is hurt or in immediate danger, you should first be calling 000, but you may need to subsequently call a trustworthy electrician to fix and check your electrical system before using it again.

Level 2 electricians can do everything that a standard electrician can do – but not vice versa.

Therefore, if you’re unsure which electrician can help you – it’s always best you reach out to a level 2 electrician where possible.

But first, let’s get back to the basics: what exactly is a level 2 electrician?

What is a Level 2 electrician in Australia?

Level 2 electricians are qualified to carry out everything that standard electricians are qualified to do – plus quite a lot more.

Both standard and level 2 electricians perform a range of installation, repair, maintenance, and home improvement tasks, such as:

The main difference between the two levels is that level 2 electricians can additionally help you with anything related to your home’s connectivity from electrical supply networks.

Therefore, our level 2 electricians in North Sydney are trained to do more dangerous and complicated tasks that involve accessing underground cables and overhead power lines to fix, repair, and connect your electrical system to external sources.

What is the difference between standard and Level 2 electricians?

Today, we go through the main jobs and services Plateau Electrical’s level 2 electricians in the Northern Beaches can provide that standard electricians are not qualified to do.

Underground electrical supply

Unless you have solar power, your electrical supply will come from power cables that hang from power poles in your street and neighbourhood.

Alternatively, your electrical supply might come from cables that have been installed underground.

Level 2 electricians can check, install, and fix these underground transmission lines at your home and around your neighbourhood.

We can also expand the lines to garages or places on your property where you don’t currently have any connection.

If you are:

  • Renovating your home
  • A developer
  • An owner of a subdivision
  • A member of the council
  • A resident wanting to put in a request to the council

Then you may try an opt for underground cables for your home.

New neighbourhoods often have underground cables, because without buildings or people living there in the first place, it’s easy to install underground cables because there’s no other underground works, buildings, or people to vacate.

Overhead electrical supply

Most areas in Sydney still use overhead power lines. Most of our built-up areas have been the way they are for several decades before councils started installing underground cables.

Why do we still use overhead power lines?

You may think that underground cables are more efficient than overhead ones because newer areas have them and they seemingly cannot be affected by weather and other factors.

Although underground transmission lines are generally safer and get installed in new suburbs, they still require careful planning and thought.

While overhead cables may be more likely to experience faults from weather and accidents than underground cables, it’s important to remember that underground cables face their own considerations, too.
These may include:

  • Cost to install
  • Whether residents or occupants need to vacate the area during installation
  • Sewers, NBN, or other underground works that may be in the way

Underground cables can also be affected by tree roots, earthquakes, and flooding.

Additionally, above ground power lines may last up to 80 years, which is double the estimated lifetime of underground cables

Metal poles are also replacing wooden ones, and the quality of the surrounding vegetation at power poles is improving, meaning poles are less likely to fall.

If you need help improving your connection from above-ground lines, or if there’s been an accident in your street related to power lines, you can contact a level 2 electrician like Plateau.

level 2 electricians in the Northern Beaches

Upgrade your power

All buildings either use “single phase” or “3-phase” power.

Generally, single phase power is used for domestic homes and 3 phase power is used for commercial or public buildings.

Single-phase power has one live wire and one neutral wire, and 3 phase power has three live wires and one neutral wire.

If you’re altering a domestic property for commercial purposes you may need to upgrade your system to a 3 phase power system with the help of a level 2 electrician.

Help you in outages and other emergencies

A lot of blackouts and power outages can happen because of power line obtrusion – from above and below ground cables.

Standard electricians cannot help you in these circumstances as they don’t have the knowledge or qualification to deal with power streaming from external sources.

That’s why if you find yourself in a power emergency, a local level 2 electrician in Dee Why and surrounds can help find the source of the problem and connect your power again.

You may also need to call the SES and Triple Zero if you find yourself in these circumstances.

What can a Level 2 electrician do?

Level 2 electricians like Plateau can help you with any electrical emergencies and more!

Contact Plateau Electrical today if you’re looking for a level 2 electrician near you.

Our qualified and licenced team of level 2 electricians are available 24/7 and can assist you with any electrical issues you may have.

Save our number now – you never know when you’ll need it! (02) 9982 8668.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with us online.Tell us a little about the problems you’re experiencing or the work you want done, and we’ll be glad to assist you.

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